Barristers and Solicitors

Statement of Core Values

1. Professionalism: every decision made by each member of our firm is made in light of this core value.  Every interaction with the public, the Bench and other lawyers must reflect our focus on professionalism.


2. Quality Service: every word of advice, every legal step taken and every document drafted shall not be dispensed, executed or drafted unless the utmost care and attention has been applied to the preparation of that word of advice, execution of that legal step or draft of that document.


3. Reasonableness: every interaction with other members of our professional Bar Association shall reflect the firm’s unwillingness to act in any way that unnecessarily protracts litigation or stands in the way of a prompt and efficient resolution or settlement of a client’s matter.


4. Responsibility: as Officers of the Court, we take our positions in the community seriously.  Therefore, we acknowledge that not only do we have a responsibility to our profession, to the Bench, and to other members of our professional Bar Association, we also have a responsibility to the community at large to conduct ourselves at all times in a way that continues to uphold our profession in the highest repute.